we welcome... Nelli & Mo

August 01, 2008 by admin

Nelli and Mo logo[/assets/Uploads/2008/08/nellimo_logo.jpg] Oohhh we love a good fashion brand project and this one looks like a corker! Thanks to Adele and Jenn and we wish them well in this new venture. Read More

we welcome... NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

August 01, 2008 by admin

National Parks and wildlife logo[/assets/Uploads/2008/08/nationalparks_logo.jpg] We have been asked to re-design the 10yr old exhibition at Fort Denison in Sydney's harbour, a very exciting project with a very tight deadline! Time to get the sea legs out! Read More

we welcome... G.J. Gardner Homes

August 01, 2008 by admin

GJ Gardner logo[/assets/Uploads/2008/08/gjgardner_logo.jpg] Creative Suite are the preferred design partner for G.J. Gardner Homes, we welcome another successful year working together and learning from each other. Thanks. Read More

we welcome... Virgin Active

August 01, 2008 by admin

virgin active logo[/assets/Uploads/2008/08/virginactive_logo.jpg] Creative Suite have been asked to help launch the new Virgin Active venture alongside Publicis Mojo, yeah lets work out! Read More

we welcome... the Crest Hotel

July 31, 2008 by admin

[/assets/Uploads/2008/07/crest_logo.gif] The team at creative suite have been asked to help re-brand the various function rooms at the Crest Hotel in Sydney, including the V.I.P Room, the Sports Bar and the Goldfish Bowl. Very exciting! Read More

A beautiful take on a solid design...

June 30, 2008 by admin

This is absolutely beautiful and such a great design concept... BMW presents GINA, a new take on car design, materials, and flexibility. TheGINA replaces the traditional metal/plastic skin with a textile fabric skin that’s pulled taut around a frame of metal and carbon fiber wires. Even the shape of the car... Read More


June 24, 2008 by admin

With the current set of domain name options set to run out by 2011??(huh? - doubt it), this interesting read[http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/internet-set-for-domain-name-big-bang/2008/06/24/1214073188092.html] says that there's about to be a bit of a shakup. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will vote tomorrow on whether to introduce the ability to setup custom... Read More

Cuban Council

June 18, 2008 by admin

I'm small enough to recognise a fellow small business who are doing great things. A bunch of Euros in Sanfran. Been loving these guys[http://www.cubancouncil.com/] forever, and so should you. Read More

How's your right hook?

June 18, 2008 by admin

Going Down Swinging[/assets/Uploads/2008/06/goingdownswinging.jpg] Last post's poster[http://creativesuite.com.au/wedesignstuff/?p=87] is a great example of the types of works published in Going Down Swinging. According to an email sent by NSW Writer's Centre, Going Down Swinging is one of Australia's most respected and acclaimed literary magazines, publishing the best short fiction and poetry since 1980.... Read More

The LA vs WAR exhibition

June 17, 2008 by admin

The LA vs WAR exhibition, in Downtown Los Angeles last month, offered thoughtful comment on the ongoing war in Iraq and the dissatisfaction with the current American government. LA vs WAR exhibition posters The event included creations by an abundance of independent local artists - such as graffiti, posters and murals, as... Read More

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