Category: Digital Strategy

Applications that revolutionised traditional businesses

July 11, 2024

An application - on the web (or on your mobile) - is software that offers some sort of service. Users interact with the service to self-help with your business. It might be as simple as a booking form for your physio, or it might be complex like Uber. Here are five... Read More

How to Create an Effective B2B Website

May 29, 2024

Creating an effective B2B website requires a strategic approach to engage potential clients, communicate your brand message, and drive conversions. Here are some top tips to consider: *Clearly Define Your Value Proposition*: Communicate what sets your business apart from competitors right on your homepage. Clearly articulate the benefits of your products or... Read More

What Is Digital Consultancy?

January 30, 2024

Digital consultancy is a dynamic and evolving field that plays a crucial role in helping organisations navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. As businesses increasingly rely on technology to drive growth and innovation, the need for expert guidance in leveraging digital tools and strategies becomes paramount. Digital consultants serve... Read More

Guidelines for Effective Nonprofit & Charity Websites

August 02, 2023

At Kindleman we spend a significant amount of time working with Nonprofit and Charity organisations. Helping people do good is part of the Kindleman DNA. Over the years we have come to understand that creating a successful and effective website for a nonprofit organisation requires careful planning and sticking to best... Read More

Choosing a Native App Development Environment

February 02, 2018 by Will

Web apps are great but sometimes, for a variety of reasons, you want a native app. That might be because of functionality, pricing model, distribution or to help drive engagement. ios app development2 There are quite a few very different ways you can build your Native App. Let's have a... Read More

Online Opportunities in Australia for TPP members

January 24, 2018 by Tim

In January 2018, the 11 countries comprising the Trans-Pacific Partnership reached a mutually beneficial trade agreement. It is expected the agreement will be signed in March in Chile and will historically open up better trading routes for businesses from all the member nations. For businesses from these member nations - Australia,... Read More

DoubleClick for Publishers - Ad Serving grunt

September 26, 2017 by Tim

Something we’ve never really delved very deeply into (until recently) is AD SERVING. Ad Serving is delivering advertising in the form of banners and textual blocks into a website. And it’s the way a very large portion of the internet makes their money - by hosting the advertisements inside their website. Fairfax... Read More

Not For Profit Website requirements, Design & Solutions.

November 14, 2013 by Will

Not For Profit organisations provide so much value in the community. Thought leadership, community housing, advocacy, research & community care & more are provided by this sector. Even judging by traditional metrics alone the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that Not For Profits: contributed about $43 billion to gross domestic product (GDP)... Read More

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We have an uncommon depth of knowledge, passion and commitment to the web. If you have a problem, maybe we can help.

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