[caption id="attachment_170" align="alignright" width="100" caption="QR code is your friend"]QR code is your friend[/caption]

How cool is this little daddy??>>>>


QR code bars are a pretty geeky thing to be getting excited about yah, but you'd do well to find out a little about what these 2D little bundles of info have instore for just about everyone.

You see, a QR (Quick Response) code is the new barcode, and are able to be read by a generation of standard mobile phones which are being introduced to Australia in very near future.

What this means is that a mobile phone will now be able to scan a barcode to access information on a website, find a recipe, book a cab, enter a competition, add a friend to Facebook, or even instantly enter all your business cards details into an address book.

For creatives who are interested in the information they're giving their audience, it'll give a seamless and fast way for regular consumers to interact and get information from our work.

In Japan, where the QR code was developed, there's fellas walking around with QR code tshirts promoting their mates band. That brother is getting swiped by all the ladies I'll tell ya.

And on days off they can also double as a tiny 3-eyed Space Invader.

Anyway, geeky post, but I'm lovin'em so look out for it on my next business card.

T...geek at heart.