Get a discount in 2019

January 15, 2019 by Tim

Kindleman are back in the studio at a sprint for 2019, working on a variety of web builds that we started late last year. We've started our year with a custom Silverstripe site for Mindfulness Courses around Australia, a Rails pharmaceutical education CMS, and a customer acquisition app for the Aged... Read More

File Management with Rails and Active Storage

December 04, 2018 by Will

With Rails 5 we now have ActiveStorage: built in file management with the framework. This is a fantastic adition to the framework as it standardises file management, instead of relying on 3rd party plugins. ActiveStorage adds two tables to your app that handles all the file details (active_storage_blobs) and the... Read More

Email - The What, Who and How

October 23, 2018 by Emily

Starting a new business or trying to organise your old business comes with a million tiny administrative tasks that you didn’t even know you needed to care about. Enter’s the definitive tool for a 21st Century business and a ‘must have’ but the ‘how’ can be daunting. What service to use? That’s... Read More

Website Content is the Key

October 10, 2018 by Emily

Anyone who's ever taken delivery of a new website will know the joys of Lorem Ipsum - it's sample text. It's great for showing how a page 'could look' but it also indicates there is a huge amount of work to be done converting a blank site into your company... Read More

Drag and drop with Rails and HTML5

September 10, 2018 by Will

The ability to order lists is a popular feature for many web apps. We want to accomplish it with a minimum of overheads, dependencies and fuss. With Ruby on Rails and modern browsers - this is a simple task. Step 1, The Setup. We will need to manage the ordering of... Read More

What’s The Story With Website Hosting?

June 13, 2018 by Emily

What’s the story with hosting? What do I need? What do I need to know? What about my emails? What’s my domain? These are all the many questions we get asked about website hosting and domains. So let’s start at the beginning… What's a Domain name? *Web Domain Names* - These are the URLs... Read More

EU General Data Protection Regulation and your website.

May 18, 2018 by Will

*Disclaimer: This is not legal advice. GDPR, Data and law is super complicated. You should consult a lawyer.* What is it? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU regulation governing data protection and privacy. It covers all individuals in the EU. It is aimed at giving control of data to... Read More

Is Your Website Working For You?

April 26, 2018 by Emily

Do you lie awake and wonder if your website is actually working? Is it ranking for search, are people finding what they need when they get to your site? This is the kind of thing we worry about - constantly. Hopefully you are not awake pondering this conundrum but if you... Read More

Our Bookshelf: User Experience (UX)

March 04, 2018 by Will

User Experience (UX) design underpins all good web design. Good UX can be derived from experience, theory and research. To get it right, it pays to validate it through User Testing and to iterate on those learnings. There have been hundreds of books written on the subject but I've picked... Read More

Kindleman <3's the Internet

We have an uncommon depth of knowledge, passion and commitment to the web. If you have a problem, maybe we can help.

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