Spree - Opensource eCommerce

June 15, 2017 by Will

Want to open an eCommerce store with flexible theme, functionality and content? We have just the platform for you. SpreeCommerce is an Open source eCommerce platform built with RubyOnRails - the best web development framework in the world Read More

Shopify - Hosted eCommerce

June 12, 2017 by Will

Shopify is the leading hosted ecommerce solution. It has been running for several years and boasts some impressive figures: 400,000 active stores and $34Bn sales. Shopify is big and in it for the long haul. What's a hosted solution? "Hosted eCommerce" means that your website is hosted on Shopify's servers, instead... Read More

Mailchimp Subscription Module for Silverstripe

May 05, 2017 by Will

Mailchimp is our favourite email marketing system. We use it for our client's sites as well as our own. It is nice to use, good value, has great features and great deliverability. We love it! To help us automate sending form submissions for Silverstripe's user forms module to our Mailchimp lists... Read More

Switching web agency

April 19, 2017 by Tim

Does this sound like a sales ploy? Well, it sort-of is, and it sort-of isn't. We've had a lot of requests to take over websites recently. Particularly small-businesses looking for a white knight to save their broken website from a disappeared developer. Often it's because they're not happy with the overseas developers,... Read More

Multi Site wordpress with Scss and Template inheritance

April 18, 2017 by Will

We recently built out a group of websites for educational organisations in Australia for a partner company. The challenge was the client wanted the sites to be run on a single installation of Wordpress, using Wordpress multisite. The goal was to save costs and aid maintainability by reusing code for... Read More

Aged Care Providers - We'd like to build your Consumer Direct Care marketing system

April 04, 2017 by Tim

*We've made an (extremely quick) survey so we know what the Aged Care industry is thinking. Please fill it in if you have a few minutes.[/surveying-interest-in-a-cdc-system/]* cdc image On 1 July 2015, it became mandatory for all home care packages to be delivered on a consumer directed care[https://agedcare.health.gov.au/programs/home-care/home-care-packages-programme-resources/consumer-directed-care] (CDC) basis. CDC... Read More

Information for Aged Care Provider's websites

April 03, 2017 by Tim

Kindleman have been working with Aged Care providers for nearly 10 years in which time we've learnt a lot. To cut to the info, under the recent *Living Longer Living Better* reforms there are certain often legislated informational aspects that an Aged Care provider must provide on their website in relation... Read More

Website and app longevity

March 30, 2017 by Tim

Getting a new website made about every 3-5 years in basically inevitable for any business staying ahead of the curve. Technology moves on extremely fast, design and UX trends change, marketing strategies evolve. Particularly for smaller business, the general expectation is that you'll get about 5 years out a website,... Read More

Getting Started With Terminal

March 01, 2017 by Will

Is terminal in your Doc? do you use it? If not you are missing out as a web professional. Learning a few commands, or at least being aware of what to look up, makes you more productive and confident on your own (Linux or OSX) machine and when working on... Read More

Managing Complexity

February 20, 2017 by Will

For simple websites you can get away with emails and phone calls for communications, a photoshop mockup and a quick build by one generalist developer who cuts up the design into html and integrates it with a CMS. That process doesn't scale though. When requirements are complicated and there are multiple stake holders, developers, SEO staff and content generators, you need a lot more structure. Read More

Kindleman <3's the Internet

We have an uncommon depth of knowledge, passion and commitment to the web. If you have a problem, maybe we can help.

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