we welcome... Bombora

December 03, 2008 by admin

picologo I guess when you own a record label you automatically are a cool cat. The guys at Bombora records promote the cool, easy guys we wish we could be more like - surf musicians. We've started doing a bit of design and online animation and multimedia stuff for them.... Read More

we welcome... Veronika!!

December 03, 2008 by admin

Veronika walked in a few weeks ago, told us she was in Oz for a few months on a traveling holiday, and said she was looking to learn more about web design. She rocked on her first little job, taking it away and impressing us with her keen attitude and friendly... Read More

we welcome... Neller

December 03, 2008 by admin

preceda3 We've just advised on and reskinned Neller's massive online HR application 'Preceda'. It included a full product analysis and brand report, redesigning the interface to fit more than 400 pages, illustrating 167 icons, and a new logo to promote the app. Read More

Scary new copyright laws?

November 20, 2008 by admin

By now many of you are already informed about the proposed Orphan Works Act being introduced to the U.S. house and senate. For those unaware, this legislation, if enacted, can effectively undermine and dismantle your existing copyright protection. Currently, copyright is granted the moment a work is created. This new Orphan... Read More

stickypic.com.au launches!!

November 06, 2008 by admin

[/assets/Uploads/2008/11/stickypic_logo_web_blue.jpg] We are very proud to launch Stickypic to the world market! Take a stand against boring doorways and empty walls and brighten up your life with a Stickypic. Our vinyl artworks are simple to apply and painless to remove. They are durable and will enhance any flat surface inside or outside... Read More

New branding for Bay Cottage

November 06, 2008 by admin

[/assets/Uploads/2008/11/baycottage_logo_final.jpg] We are proud to have helped Scot and Rosie with their new branding for Bay Cottage, Palm Beach. A beautiful place to stay and an amazing photographic location, look out for the business collateral we developed and check out the website here www.baycottagepalmbeach.com.au Read More

In this day and age...

November 06, 2008 by admin

We empathise with any client who is feeling the push and pull of these uncertain times, we would like you to know that when the going gets tough, we are here to help you pull through. Regards Read More

we welcome... Jamberoo Native Nursery

October 23, 2008 by admin

[caption id="attachment_190" align="alignnone" width="187" caption="Jamberoo logo, designed by us!"]Jamberoo logo, designed by us![/assets/Uploads/2008/10/jambnnbr_logo_cmyk.jpg][/caption] We have been asked by Jamberoo Native Nursery to help pitch some exciting eco friendly plant ideas to Bunnings, what a beautiful project to work on and fingers crossed to Kate & Geoff in the pitch. Read More

we welcome... Kiama Council

October 23, 2008 by admin

Creative Suite are very excited to welcome Kiama Council, we are working with Steve to market Blue Haven Village and help develop all its related communications, look out for the new DVD guys! Read More

Small is the new big

October 23, 2008 by admin

Big used to matter. Big meant economies of scale. (You never hear about “economies of tiny” do you?) People, usually guys, often ex-Marines, wanted to be CEO of a big company. The Fortune 500 is where people went to make… a fortune. There was a good reason for this. Value was... Read More

Kindleman <3's the Internet

We have an uncommon depth of knowledge, passion and commitment to the web. If you have a problem, maybe we can help.

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