Flexible Content With Wordpress and Gutenburg

August 28, 2020 by Will

Following on from last week's Statamic Article,[/blog/flexible-content-with-statamic-cms/] let's take a look at flexbile content modeling with Wordpress[https://en-gb.wordpress.org/]. Note this is about *content. *It isn't page building in the sense of designing templates like something like BeaverBuilder or Divi does. It is for populating the content column within your page template.... Read More

Flexible Content With Statamic CMS

August 20, 2020 by Will

Flexible Content is a way of composing content using multiple, selectable, orderable field types in a content area. It's become popular with clients and content editors and is available in most modern CMS. Let's have a look at how to do it with Statamic, a modern file based CMS. Statamic... Read More

Lane Cove Music - Community Partnerships

August 11, 2020 by Emily

Partnering with the local community is something Kindleman loves to do. So building a new website for Lane Cove Music was a perfect match. With its beginnings in 1945, Lane Cove Music runs six concerts a year in the Lane Cove Mowbray Anglican Church in the heart of Lane Cove, NSW. While... Read More

Online Approvals

July 28, 2020 by Emily

Getting a panel of experts to review and provide feedback on egg labels is a key offering for the industry body - Australian Eggs. Kindleman’s ‘Two Thumbs’ online approval system was used to enable egg producers to ensure they are compliant with the Egg Labelling Guidelines. The business tool allows egg... Read More

Local Rain Check

May 07, 2020 by Tim

How can I support local business during COVID-19?. Are you sick of this Covid-19 stuff yet? Yep - us too. Promise I won't harp on. local raincheck2 I need your help! I live in Freshwater, NSW (in Australia). It's a great place with a little street of shops and restaurants that give it... Read More

Being practical in the time of Covid-19

April 08, 2020 by Tim

We've recently launched an initiative with 7 other small digital-focused agencies called SmallBizHelp.io. It's the Coronavirus days, and there's a lot of small businesses who are trying to get themselves prepared for quite a few months without 'business as usual'. A lot of that is the ability to get setup online... Read More

Error Reporting - How to Tell Us It's Broken

March 17, 2020 by Emily

Troubleshooting web issues is technical but also an art as there are so many variables. To help us find and fix the issues fast, it helps us to provide the following information: URL: MOST IMPORTANT Operating system: Mac/PC Browser: IE (11/edge), Chrome, Safari, Firefox Desktop/Mobile: iPad, Phone (Apple, Android) Error Message: “502 Server Error” Excessive detail: More... Read More

How Do You Send Passwords?

February 27, 2020 by Emily

As a digital agency we need passwords from clients. The question is always how to securely hand over passwords? Low tech There are a couple of low tech solutions. In person or over the phone, these are low tech but high intensity, as users need to be together or available for a... Read More

How Do You Create and Save Passwords?

February 19, 2020 by Emily

A stolen password is the new version of having your pocket picked - it can totally ruin your day and the knock on effect can take months to unscramble. As you travel around the internet you need to be ever vigilant about keeping passwords secure. The commonly advised thing to do is... Read More

New Business/Start Up Social Media Checklist

March 04, 2019 by Emily

When starting a new business you have no business credibility. It’s a zero base, the only way is up. The internet and social media are here to help. The first place people will look when they see or hear about your business is online. A quick check, in key places, will... Read More

Kindleman <3's the Internet

We have an uncommon depth of knowledge, passion and commitment to the web. If you have a problem, maybe we can help.

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